Blackrock Angus is a bull breeding enterprise situated near Busselton in Western Australia


6394 Bussell Highway,
VASSE Western Australia 6280
0438 926 363 - Ken
0407 693 995 - Clemens

Blackrock Angus

Select your next generation of breeding sires from the elite lineup of Blackrock bulls and help supply the ever increasing demand for Angus Beef.

Founded in 1969

Blackrock Angus was founded in 1969 by Don & Felicity MacLeay on the current location in Vasse Western Australia. Their vision was to produce bulls backed by performance recorded data.

Breeding Philosophy

The breeding objective has expanded considerably since those early years from increasing growth to now breeding cattle with moderate birth and mature weight combined with good carcase, breed average fat or above and above average docility.


Blackrock Angus is a bull breeding enterprise situated near Busselton in Western Australia.

Select your next generation of breeding sires from the elite lineup of Blackrock bulls and help supply the ever increasing demand for Angus Beef.

We have focused on the key profit drivers in any beef operation, cow weaning rate, that is calves weaned per cows exposed to the bull, followed by sale live weight followed by  carcase traits. Or as we summarise; Fertility, growth and carcase.

-- Ken MacLeay, Blackrock Angus

From our channelHow to weigh 
a newborn calf

A video that was shot in 2012 features Ken weighing a newborn Angus calf on the Blackrock Angus property in Vasse, Western Australia.


With ThanksOur Partners

ContactsGet in Touch

Blackrock Angus is located in the heart of the productive South West region of Western Australia.

6394 Bussell Highway,
VASSE Western Australia 6280
0438 926 363 - Ken
0407 693 995 - Clemens